• Phones using the 3G network to call triple zero will be disconnected on 28 October 2024.

    Phones using the 3G network to call triple zero will be disconnected on 28 October 2024

    Customers using affected mobile devices (3G voice or VoLTE-capable but require 3G for Triple Zero) will be blocked from 28 October and won’t have access to voice or data services until they upgrade to a new handset.

    The Australian Communications and Media Authority has updated the Telecommunications (Emergency Call Service) Determination 2019 (the Emergency Call Service Determination) to address concerns about mobile phones that may not be able to connect to the ‘Triple Zero’ emergency call service, due to the shutdown of 3G mobile networks in Australia.

    Under the updated Determination, which comes into effect on Monday 28 October, mobile phones that can no longer call Triple Zero (000) will be fully disconnected.

    This change is being made because there are some mobile phones still in use that require access to a 3G network to call Triple Zero. The Government wishes to encourage people who may not be aware they have this type of phone to upgrade so all mobile customers continue to have ongoing access to Triple Zero.

    For more information on the determination, visit Telstra. For other information on the 3G shutdown, visit our page.