Key Telstra Contacts
Contacting the right department at Telstra for your problem will speed up the problem-solving process. Understand the different parts of your plan and check your bill to identify if you are a business or residential customer. Use the below Telstra contacts relevant to your particular issue.
Use these resources before calling to streamline conversations
Telstra contacts
Telstra Country Wide have a dedicated website for rural, regional & remote users.
You can visit this website and contact them here.
Telstra FaultsPhone: 132999 (for all faults other than RRADIO & NGWL faults).
Landline PhoneReport your landline outage by calling call 13 22 03 or visit this page on Telstra’s website.
Radio Phones & NGWL Services1800 772 346 (1800 R RADIO) or 1800 696 495 (1800 MYNGWL), for customers using radio and NGWL services to report service difficulties or faults. There is also a dedicated email address (rradio@team.telstra.com) for online fault reporting.
Mobile BroadbandTELSTRA: 1800 676 442 (Residential)
Account enquiries, Business account holders should try the Telstra Business Centre.
Telstra Business CentresSolutions Specialists at Telstra Business Centres are experts at maximising business data & costs, and are highly recommended to sort out data sharing and mobile plans for businesses. Find your closest business centre here.
Mobile Assurance TeamMobile Assurance provides support to Pre-Paid, Consumer, Telstra Business and Telstra Enterprise & Government customers. They operate 24/7, and assist customers who are experiencing mobile and wireless service difficulties and faults.
Consumer customers: 132200
Business customers: 132000
Antennas1800 305 307 For antenna installation and technical support call (select option 4).
Priority AssistanceIf you require immediate assistance with a line fault and have Priority Assistance on your account call 13 22 03 (Line faults) or 1800 331 286 (New line connections).
All information has been compiled from initial discussions between Kristy Sparrow from BIRRR and Telstra, the Telstra website, and crosschecking by the Regional Tech Hub. It is current as of May 2024.
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