• Our partners include BIRRR

    Partnering for change

    We maintain open, two-way communication with key partners in the telecommunications industry and connectivity advocacy. This enables us to keep abreast of current issues and technological advancements, allowing us to provide you with the most relevant solutions for your needs.

    • The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) represents farmers and agriculture across Australia. Known for its advocacy, the NFF has championed farmers’ issues since 1979.

      Deeply rooted in regional, rural, and remote communities, the NFF has strong community ties and extensive stakeholder relationships. The NFF successfully manages the RTH, providing personalised advice, tools, and information to help individuals understand and resolve their connectivity issues.

    • The Australian Government is committed to providing affordable and reliable internet and voice services to all Australians, including those in rural and remote areas. The Better Connectivity Plan, along with innovative commercial solutions, are improving infrastructure and introducing advanced technology to regions with limited options. The government-funded Regional Tech Hub plays a crucial role in helping individuals and communities understand, keep pace, and make the most of these evolving connectivity solutions.

    • ACCAN

      The Commonwealth-funded Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) is Australia’s peak communications consumer organisation. They represent individuals, small businesses and not-for-profit groups as communications products and services consumers. ACCAN aims to empower consumers to make good choices with telecommunications products and services. ACCAN assisted with content for the Regional Tech Hub website and continues to work closely with us on providing relevant and current information.

    • BIRRR

      BIRRR (Better Internet for Rural, Regional and Remote Australia) is an organisation of regional, rural and remote volunteers. They offer support, independent advice and advocacy on connectivity and digital literacy and negotiate often-confusing bush broadband options and issues. They also lobby for improved access to communications for all Australians, regardless of location. BIRRR was instrumental in advocating for the Regional Tech Hub, assisted with creation of original content for the website, and continues to provide information and support.