• Landline or home phone

  • Man talking on the phone
  • There are multiple types of landline phone connections

    • 1 Copper wires (PTSN/PSTN)
      • This is commonly known as the traditional “line in the ground” connection. Copper wires are typically trenched into the ground and a junction box and other network components are housed in a “pit” near your house, allowing technicians easy access for troubleshooting and repairs. This pit is connected to an exchange or node box.

        PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) services do not require an external power source to work. In a power outage, you can still use this connection with an unpowered handset.

      • PTSN (copper)

    • 2 4G Fixed Wireless, Satellite Voice (powered by Starlink) and nbn® Fixed Wireless (all formerly NGWL)
      • The 3G mobile network closed on 28 October 2024. Landline services previously on NGWL (Next Generation Wireless Link) were migrated to a 4G Fixed Wireless (4G FW), Satellite Voice (powered by Starlink) or nbn® Fixed Wireless (nbn® FW) service, or disconnected if no order was placed. If you are having trouble with the migration process for your new 4G FW, nbn® FW, or Satellite Voice service, contact Telstra on 13 22 00.

        Telstra only offers these connection options to people who do not have the option of a regular fixed line service. They may work better where terrain makes laying cable for a fixed line service difficult or expensive. While they do offer both internet and voice services, geographical and environmental features can impact signal strength. A Satellite Voice or nbn® FW service is offered where you do not have a strong enough 4G signal for a 4G FW service.

        To find out the connection option for your property, put your address into the form on this Telstra page. This will outline the type of technology suited to your property, and the plans you can access.

        Voice plan details and pricing for 4G FW, nbn® FW and Satellite Voice (Powered by Starlink) are the same. If you only require a voice service, Telstra Upfront Phone Plan is $50 per month, the plan includes unlimited calls to local, national, 13 and Australian mobile numbers plus 30 minutes of international calls. If you require voice and data, there are different data/voice plans available depending on what your needs are and what type of service you transition to.

        4G Fixed Wireless

        4G Fixed Wireless (4G FW) is the technology most Telstra customers will be migrated to. It is a fixed broadband service that uses the Telstra 4G mobile network to deliver service voice over Wi-Fi. This is the best connectivity type for anyone who lives within the Telstra network footprint.


        You will need a Telstra Smart Modem and, in some cases, a compatible antenna to transition to 4G FW. If you already have an external antenna, the antenna may be re-usable with the 4G FW solution. The Telstra Smart Modem (Generation 3) has an antenna port allowing for connections to the external antenna (if you have one). In most cases you will be able to use your existing telephone handset.

        In some cases, Telstra will send out the smart modem and instructions for you to self-install. Alternatively, a technician will need to attend your premises to install additional equipment, such as a compatible antenna. Telstra’s set up guide can be accessed here.

        Costs and inclusions

        Telstra supplies a voice service delivered via 4G FW with the smart modem and antenna (if required). Customers who are eligible for concessions will be eligible under these plans too. There are two plans available:

          • The Telstra Upfront Home Phone Plan. This plan has no contracts, meaning you can change your plan or cancel at any time at no cost. However, if you cancel within the first two years you either need to return the modem to Telstra or pay a $200 fee. The plan includes 2GB of data.
          • The Upfront Starter Plan. This plan includes 50GB of data.

        Satellite Voice (powered by Starlink)

        Some customers (who do not have adequate mobile or Fixed Wireless coverage at their location), will be transitioned to a voice service powered by a Starlink satellite connection. This Telstra service is “USO compliant”, which means Telstra will cover the cost of the Starlink equipment and installation. It also means Telstra need to ensure the service meets Consumer Service Guarantees under their Universal Service Obligation (USO). Previous NGWL customers using the Analog phone jack inside their premises will have been moved to this service, particularly if they have no existing mobile coverage at their location, for example NGWL connections that utilise a copper landline connection to the tower.


        If you are being migrated to the Starlink voice solution you will receive two sets of equipment, one from Telstra and one from Starlink:

        Costs and inclusions

        You can find Satellite Voice plan details here.

        • Starlink Voice is a dedicated voice-only service that includes all local, national, mobile, and 13 calls. If you’re seeking both voice and internet connectivity, consider the Telstra Satellite Internet (powered by Starlink) option, powered by Starlink. Please note, while the voice component of this plan is covered under the Universal Service Obligation (USO), data and equipment costs are not. Consequently, plan, equipment and installation pricing will vary.
        • You do not have to bundle broadband and voice to receive this product. It is recommended you look into having redundancy in your communications and consider other internet options.
        • If you already have a Starlink kit, it is recommended you still request a new kit and installation from Telstra for your voice service.

        Additional information

        • A Static IP is not available for Telstra Satellite Internet services.
        • Telstra Satellite Internet is restricted to use at the home address it is connected to. Satellite Internet cannot be moved around or used on moving vehicles or vessels like cars, vans, RVs, boats, or aircraft. Customers will need to contact Telstra to move their Telstra Satellite Internet service, like other fixed line connections.
        • There is some voice prioritisation that occurs locally on the customer’s service but there is no voice prioritisation across Starlink’s network.
        • The manufacturer’s warranty is 24 months from the date of the original purchase.
        • Telstra has been conducting trials of the Starlink product over many different locations, throughout various states for many months.  This testing has covered everything from the impact of rain, voice performance, service up time and general home usage. Telstra are continuing to undertake testing to gain further information about this technology.

        nbn® Fixed Wireless (nbn® FW)

        nbn® Fixed Wireless (nbn® FW) uses an nbn® Fixed Wireless internet connection to provide broadband and voice services to your premises.


        Telstra supplies a Telstra Smart Modem. In some cases, Telstra will send out the smart modem and instructions for you to self-install. Alternatively, a technician will need to attend your premises to install additional equipment. Telstra’s set up guide can be accessed here.

        Costs and inclusions

        A voice service delivered via nbn® FW with the smart modem is supplied by Telstra. Customers who are eligible for concessions will be eligible under these plans too. There are two plans available:

        • The Telstra Upfront Home Phone Plan. This plan has no contracts, meaning you can change your plan or cancel at any time at no cost. However, if you cancel within the first two years you either need to return the modem to Telstra or pay a $200 fee. The plan includes 2GB of data.
        • The Upfront Starter Plan. This plan includes 50GB of data.

        Things to note across all three options

        MessageBank, Caller ID, Same number porting

        • Caller Line Identification and Directory Listing are disabled by default and will need to be activated by the customer via the Telstra app.
        • Unfortunately, any saved Message bank messages cannot be migrated from the NGWL service and will be deleted once the NGWL service is disconnected.
        • Unlimited local, nation, mobile and thirteen number calls.
        • 30 minutes of standard calls to any overseas countries.
        • While your plan is unlimited, once the data limit is exceeded, your broadband speed will be capped at 256kbps until the next month. It is recommended you look at other broadband options for extensive internet usage.
        • You will not be able to use your service in a power failure – including emergency calls, any back-to-base alarm or medi-alert functionality, without a back-up in-home power source. If you have a back to base security alarm or a medi-alert, you will need to check with the manufacturer to make sure it is compatible.
        • Priority assist will be available on this technology. Telstra will supply a battery backup device for all Priority Assistance customers that will help provide short term connectivity in the event of a loss of power. This backup battery is not included as part of a standard setup for non-Priority Assist.
        User provided equipment for power redundancy

        If you live in an area prone to power failures/outages it is recommended you:

        1. Purchase a non-powered phone (cordless phones will not work during power outages). You can buy these from Telstra here.
        2. Purchase an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for the Telstra Smart Modem. You can buy these from Telstra here. Having a UPS provides a power back up of approximately four hours. You can also purchase power redundancy and non – powered phones from other suppliers such as Harvey Norman, Officeworks, or JB Hi-Fi. If you want a UPS that can provide longer-term power redundancy security, devices such as the Energizer Everest 1100 Power Station can provide up to 12-18 hours of power, or you can add a solar panel to enable solar charging. These can be purchased from Mitre 10, Bunnings, and other retail stores.

        Note: Under the Universal Service Obligation (USO) it is the customer’s responsibility to provide power to support the operation of a telephone service. In the past, Telstra has sometimes installed an independent power supply where necessary to ensure effective operation of the technology used to supply the service. Telstra no longer do this, as the 4G Fixed Wireless and Starlink technologies currently used to deliver telephone services run on standard power and do not require an independent power supply to operate. Customers concerned about power outages impacting their USO telephone service should consider installing a back-up power supply of a type that is consistent with their circumstances.

        Billing and Payments

        Telstra is in the process of rolling out a new billing software system. For customers still on the old billing system, their new service will be listed on Telstra’s new platform and in the short term, this may mean two separate bills. All of Telstra’s existing accounts will be moved to the new system and all services will appear on one bill again.

        The new bills do not currently display customer ABNs. This feature has been requested and is in development for a future update. AutoPay from a credit or debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) or a bank account. You can also call Telstra on 132 200 or visit one of their stores.

        Same number porting

        Customers can retain their existing phone number. Every service has a unique phone number. When the 4G FW service is first connected, as part of the migration Telstra will provide an interim phone number. Once the service technology is confirmed as working, Telstra will migrate the existing phone number onto the 4G service and then cancel the interim 4G FW number.


        You can sign in to My Telstra to check your service, run simple tests and automatically raise a fault ticket. The My Telstra App uses a 2-factor authentication process and has multiple options such as text messaging, email, and a pin to verify your sign in.

        Telstra have advised that customers should use the contact us details to raise a fault and speak to an agent to help you resolve issues. You can also call Telstra on 132 200 or visit one of their stores.

        At this stage Telstra DO NOT plan to have a specialised support number for this service, like the 1800 MYNGWL. Unlike NGWL, which is a niche product, the 4GFW product is a product available to a very large group of people. It utilises the TSM 3 modem which is one of the current, in market offerings from Telstra to all consumer customers. As a result, there will be no special number or email address for this new service. Any faults will be managed by Telstra’s teams, through the 13 22 00 number or by through the MyTelstra App.

    • 3 HCRC (High Capacity Radio Concentrator)
      • HCRC, which stands for High Capacity Radio Concentrator, is a network operated by Telstra.

        The HCRC networks were initially deployed in the 1990s as an upgrade to replace older radio equipment. They play a crucial role in delivering telecommunications services, particularly in remote and less accessible areas of the country. As of late 2018, they provide approximately 14,000 individual services to around 6,400 premises in remote areas.


        An HCRC connection provides a landline / voice service in remote areas, where no other landline technologies are available. HCRC can also support features such as caller ID, call waiting and voicemail. However, it is becoming more difficult to source replacement parts for this technology type, and it often relies on older copper lines between Telstra towers and the house.

        People who currently have an HCRC connection can still use this technology type and are encouraged to maintain this connection as well as their internet technology, however Telstra are looking at other options, and are not promoting this technology, particularly for new home connections.

    • 4 USO Satellite
      • A USO Satellite service typically includes a fixed satellite dish permanently mounted outside your home, which communicates with a connection box inside. You can then connect your telephone handset to this box. This is different to a Satphone service.

        Satellite services are critical to Telstra’s communication network, delivering around 1,000 voice services to more remote areas across Australia. Telstra’s USO geostationary satellite platform has been set up so calls can be delivered in a single hop, reducing the typical latency delay found on satellite services as much as possible.

        USO Satellite phones can cover a wider geographical area, making them an excellent option for particularly isolated areas. However, this same advantage means latency and bandwidth can be impacted, and weather can obstruct the signal.

  • Speech bubble

    All your landline questions answered

    • 1 Can I get a landline?

      The Universal Service Obligation (USO) is a long-standing consumer protection that supports access to phone services and payphones.

      Telstra is responsible for delivering the USO, and must provide standard telephone services (STS) on request to premises in Australia within reasonable timeframes, and make payphones reasonably available nationally. This is both a legislative and contractual obligation.

      A USO STS includes the following features:

      • Access to local, national and international calls
      • Untimed local calls
      • 24 hour free access to emergency service numbers
      • Priority Assistance (for those with a life threatening medical condition)
      • Customer service Guarantee (acceptable connection and repair timeframes)
      • A unique telephone number with or without a directory listing
      • Preselection (which allows the user to preselect another provider for long distance, fixed to mobile and international calls where the STS is provided over our copper network)
      • Calling line identification
      • Operator and directory assistance and,
      • Itemised billing.

      You can request that Telstra provide a standard telephone handset on request for an additional cost. They also provide people with hearing, speech, vision, dexterity or mobility impairments with an alternative form of communication including equipment necessary to use this service.  For more information see their disability products and services.

      Telstra’s national pricing ensures that customers in remote areas pay the same price for an STS as our customers in cities. While this service has traditionally been provided as a fixed line telephone service, their obligation is technology neutral meaning they will choose the technology to provide this service.  For example, in some remote areas they provide customers with an STS over satellite.

      For more information please call 13 22 00.

    • 2 How do I ensure a smooth landline setup?

      When setting up your landline connection with a provider, ask them or the installer about the equipment they provide and any additional equipment you might need to purchase. For example, a PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) line does not automatically come with a phone handset. You can buy a handset from a phone retailer and connect it to your line.

      More information

    • 3 What are the Standard Telephone Service (STS) plans and costs?

      Telstra sets up STS plans to comply with their requirement under the USO. Telstra’s national pricing ensures that customers in remote areas pay the same price for a STS as those in cities.

      While STS used to be provided as a fixed-line service, Telstra can now offer different technologies, like satellite, for better value and connectivity in remote areas.

      Plans and costs for Next Generation Wireless Link (NGWL), High Capacity Radio Concentrator (HCRC), and USO Satellite connections may not be listed on Telstra’s website. It’s important to keep copies of all the documents you receive and carefully check your bills for pricing and any unexpected fees or additions.

      • Standard Copper Wire Connection: If you’re looking for a standard copper wire connection, you can find pricing on Telstra’s “Home Phone” page.
      • Financial Assistance: Available for pensioners and eligible Health Care Card holders.
    • 4 What is the Universal Service Guarantee?

      The Universal Service Guarantee (USG) provides all Australian homes and businesses with access to both broadband and voice services, regardless of their location.

      It incorporates the Universal Service Obligation (USO), a long-standing consumer protection ensuring everyone has access to landline telephones and payphones regardless of where they live or work.

      To find out more about the USG, visit our page.

  • The 3G shutdown and your NGWL service

    From 28 October 2024, Telstra is migrating all NGWL (3G) customers across to their new 4G Fixed Wireless service, including upgrades to equipment. Most customers will transition to a 4GFW (4G Fixed Wireless) solution, which includes a Telstra Smart Modem and a compatible antenna. Others may be offered a Home Satellite service powered by Starlink. Find out more in our fact sheet.

    Phones using the 3G network to call triple zero will be disconnected on 28 October 2024.
  • You are entitled to a telephone service under the Australian Government's USO

    The Universal Service Obligation (USO) is a consumer protection put in place by the Australian Government. It means that you have the right to a standard fixed landline phone service provided by Telstra, regardless of where you live or work in Australia.

    VoIP step 3 Test Handset
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