• nbn® Network Upgrades: Everything You Need to Know

    nbn® is rolling out service upgrades across its network, allowing greater access to the Satellite, Fixed Wireless and Full Fibre networks. If you are not currently mapped for a nbn® service, check your property’s address against upgrade information. As each upgrade rolls out, it opens up more space for other technologies to be implemented in that area.

  • nbn® Full Fibre upgrade

    The nbn® Full Fibre upgrade will enable up to 10 million premises, or up to 90% of homes and businesses within the Fixed Line footprint across Australia, to access wholesale download speeds of 500 Mbps to close to 1Gbps by the end of 2025.

    These high residential speed tiers allow activities such as:

    • Streaming 4K videos with ease.
    • Playing online games with less lag.
    • Uploading and downloading files in a fraction of the time it takes on slower speed plans.

    To trigger an upgrade, customers at eligible premises need to place an order with a retailer which is based on an eligible speed tier.

    There are three simple steps to access a full fibre upgrade:

    • 1
      Check Location

      Check your address on the nbn® website www.nbn®.com.au/fibreupgrade to see if you are in an eligible area.

    • 2
      Contact Provider

      Contact a participating phone and internet provider and ask if you can order an eligible plan.

    • 3
      Install To Upgrade

      Book an installation with your preferred phone and internet provider.

  • nbn® Fixed Wireless and Satellite upgrade

    The nbn® Fixed Wireless and Satellite upgrade program is currently being rolled out, allowing those in some Satellite areas to now access the Fixed Wireless network.

    • 1
      Check Location

      Check your address on the nbn® website to see if you are in an eligible area and find out more about the upgrade process.

    • 2
      Contact Provider

      Contact a participating phone and internet provider and ask if you can order an eligible plan.

    • 3
      Install To Upgrade

      Book an installation with your preferred phone and internet provider.

  • Important information about the upgrade

    • If you cannot find your address in the roll-out map, or it indicates you do not currently have a service, use the prompt below the map to subscribe for further updates and timelines of the update. If you are not able to connect to Fixed Wireless through a standard or non-standard installation, you will be offered an nbn Satellite service.
    • If your address doesn’t map or display correctly on the nbn address checker, you can use our Connectivity Report service to find out your options.
    • Outages will be required for these upgrades, and nbn will provide information to RSPs outlining times of impact, for RSPs to pass on to their customers. Information will also be provided through social media advertising, and directly through the nbn Facebook page and the outage page on their website.
  • What influences the speed and quality of your connection

    A reminder that the actual speeds and quality of the connection you experience are influenced by the following:

    • Your RSP
    • Your plan
    • The quality and age of your equipment
    • The time of day you use your internet
    • The programs you’re using
    • nbn® technology and configuration

    Due to equipment and network limitations, the actual wholesale speeds delivered by nbn®’s highest residential wholesale speed tiers of 500 to close to 1000 Mbps will be less than 1Gbps, and the peak information rate may fall anywhere in this range.

    The HFC Home Ultrafast bandwidth profile downstream service provided to retail providers is a ranged profile with a maximum sustained information rate of 750Mbps. Reference to speeds are not end-user speeds; they are wholesale layer two peak information rate bandwidth provided to retail providers.

    An end customer’s experience depends on the nbn® access network technology and configuration over which services are delivered to their premises, whether they are using the internet during the busy period, and some factors outside of nbn® Co’s control (like their equipment quality, software, chosen broadband plan, signal reception, or how their provider designs its network).

  • Want to know more about the upgrades? Check these out

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