• Connecting to nbn® fixed wireless

  • About nbn® fixed wireless

    Fixed Wireless services are provided by both nbn® and independent suppliers, often called Wireless Internet Service Providers or WISPs (see non-nbn® Fixed Wireless).

    To get nbn® Fixed Wireless, you need an adequate level of signal strength from a nbn® Fixed Wireless tower within 29km of your property. Obstacles between the tower and your property such as trees, buildings or hilly terrain can weaken your signal. If the premises can’t receive a strong wireless signal, the installation will not proceed.

  • nbn® Fixed Wireless made simple

    • 1 How does nbn® Fixed Wireless work?
      • The internet signal travels from the base tower to an outdoor antenna installed on your roof by an approved nbn® installer. They’ll also set up an nbn® connection box where the cable from the outdoor antenna enters your premises.

        This connection box needs power to work. Then, this connection box communicates with your modem, which sends the internet to all your gadgets like laptops, phones, desktops, or even a weather station.

        You can find out more using the following resources:

    • 2 What sort of speeds can I get on a Fixed Wireless plan?
      • nbn® Fixed Wireless is available at various speeds from different providers. Plans will offer download speeds from 12 to 75 Mbps (Megabytes per second) for downloads, and 1 to 10 Mbps for uploads. Two new proposed higher speeds are currently being considered by nbn® as part of the Fixed Wireless upgrade plan.

        The speeds that you can you get at home will depend on:

        1. Which nbn® provider and plan you sign up for.
        2. How many people in your area are online and connected to the Fixed Wireless tower during peak hours (7pm – 11pm).
        3. Any objects that may block the signal between your home and the nbn® Fixed Wireless tower, such as tall trees.

        Talk to your retail service providers (RSPs) for more information on what speeds you can expect from your service.

    • 3 What if I’m having connection issues?
      • You should have a service if you have a clear line of sight to an nbn® Fixed Wireless tower. In rare cases when issues are not related to the networking equipment inside the household, you’ll need to work with your Retail Service Provider to fix them. It becomes a troubleshooting case if things like trees or buildings cause connection problems.

    • 4 How is a nbn® Fixed Wireless signal measured?
        • Wireless strength is measured in dBm (decibel-milliwatts), with a minus sign in front.
        • The lower the number (closer to zero) the stronger the signal.
        • For example, -76dBm is better than -99dBm.
        • Anything over -99dBm will be “signal failure”.
        • A test signal of -99dBm or better should give you a successful nbn® connection.
    • 5 How do I connect to nbn® Fixed Wireless?
      • 01
        Check Coverage Area

        Use the nbn® roll-out map to check your address and find what nbn® services are available. If you cannot find your address in the roll-out map, or it indicates you do not currently have a service, there may be further upgrades to this technology in your area.

        If you already have an nbn® satellite service and your location becomes part of an upgrade area, usually you will be notified by your current RSP. You can also use the prompt below the map on the nbn® website to subscribe for further updates from nbn® on future upgrades.

        If your address still doesn’t map or display correctly on the nbn® address checker, you can use our Connectivity Report service to discover your options. If you cannot connect to Fixed Wireless through a standard or non-standard installation, you will be offered the option of an nbn® Satellite service.

        This page explains the steps you need to take to connect to Fixed Wireless for the first time or to upgrade from Satellite.

        Check coverage nbn FW

      • 02
        Check For Line of Sight Interference

        Trees, hills, tall buildings, and other factors can obstruct wireless signals from reaching your property from the tower. For a strong connection, there must be a certain signal strength between your place and the base station.

        If you have a line of sight to a Fixed Wireless tower, but there are interruptions to your signal, different types of setups can help overcome these issues.

        For more information on standard and non-standard nbn® Fixed Wireless setups, visit nbn® Fixed Wireless standard vs non-standard setups.

      • 03
        Compare Plans And Choose A Provider

        Plans are supplied by individual internet service providers (RSPs) not directly through nbn®. View the full list of RSPs here.

        You can check individual plans on the suppliers’ websites or use a comparison site such as:

        To learn more about internet speeds and choosing an internet plan, visit this guide.

        *Note that while useful, comparison sites may be funded by providers’ advertising fees. They may not provide a comprehensive review of all available services in your area.

        Compare providers nbn FW

      • 04
        Set Up Your nbn®Fixed Wireless Service
        • The nbn®supplied equipment is installed inside and outside your premises.
        • The nbn® outdoor antenna is attached to either the roof or an external wall.
        • If neither location provides a direct line-of-sight to the nbn® Fixed Wireless tower, your technician may look for another suitable location.
        • A cable runs between the nbn® outdoor antenna and the nbn® connection box inside your premises. Generally, this requires drilling a small hole in your external wall for the cable to pass through.
        • This cable is then connected to a Wi-Fi modem inside your home, either purchased by you or supplied by your RSP.

  • Check out more useful resources here

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    Chat to one of our team members and let’s get the conversation started. If we don’t answer, we’ll get back to you in no time at all. Or, request a free and independent connectivity report outlining your options.